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Text File  |  1990-09-28  |  27KB  |  489 lines

  2. ========================================================================
  3. TAPCIS Documentation Index
  4. ========================================================================
  6. .SND File  6-22                           <B>  6-26
  7. (P)rivate  6-26                           <C>
  8. (X) after the recipient's name               Catalog  3-9
  9.       6-16, 6-19                             Reply in New Forum  3-9
  10. *SYSOP  1-4, 6-25                         <C>atalog  3-5, 7-2, 7-6
  11. /ex  6-22                                 <C>hange  6-16
  12. /split  6-22                              <Ctrl-B>  6-20
  13. ^U  10-3                                  <Ctrl-C>
  14. <!>  6-5, 6-13                               Abort CIS Command  3-11
  15.    Simple Terminal  3-10                  <Ctrl-F1-Shell>  6-17
  16. <$>  4-13                                 <Ctrl-F3-Screen Reformat>  6-20
  17.    STATS  3-10                            <Ctrl-F5-Text In/Out>  6-23
  18. <$> function  9-1                         <Ctrl-O>
  19. <*>  6-17                                    Online and Messages to You 
  20.    Formfeed to Printer  3-10                    3-8
  21. <^>  6-4                                     Stop Output   3-11
  22. <0>  6-21                                 <Ctrl-P>
  23. <A>                                          Abort  3-11
  24.    Address Book  3-9                         Skip Remainder of Thread  6-6
  25.    Advanced Commands  3-7                 <Ctrl-Q>
  26. <A>ddress  6-17                              Restart Output  3-11
  27. <A>dvanced  4-15, 6-26                    <Ctrl-S>
  28. <Alt-B>  8-2                                 Pause Output  3-11
  29. <Alt-F>  9-2                              <Ctrl-U>  8-3
  30.    Switch Forum and Parameter                Erase Input Line  3-11
  31.       Files  3-6                          <Ctrl-X>  8-2, 8-3
  32.    Switch Parameter Files  3-10              Toggles Conference Mode  3-11
  33. <Alt-F3>  6-20                            <Ctrl-Y>  8-3
  34.    Reading Message Help  3-8              <D>
  35. <Alt-H>  8-2                                 Mark the File  7-3
  36.    Phone Hang Up  3-11                    <D>OW  7-6
  37. <Alt-J>  3-4, 6-1, 6-11                   <D>OW File  7-6
  38.    Join Forums  3-6                       <D>ownload  7-3
  39. <Alt-L>  3-5, 8-2                         <del>,<D>,<->  6-16
  40.    Review Last 350 Lines  3-10            <E>
  41. <Alt-M>  9-7                                 Edit a File  3-9
  42.    <E>ditor  9-7                          <E>dit  6-16, 7-6
  43.    <O>nline Macros  9-7                      <D>OW  7-6
  44.    <X>  9-7                               <E>dit option  6-22
  45.    <Y>  9-7                               <Esc>
  46.    Execute Macro  3-11                       Abort  3-10
  47.    Macros  3-7                               Online Toggle  3-10
  48. <Alt-N>                                   <F>
  49.    FRONTEND.SCR  3-8                         Forums  3-6
  50. <Alt-P>  4-18                             <F>orums  3-3, 6-1
  51.    Set Default Parameters  3-6            <F1-Cancel>  4-8, 6-17, 6-22,
  52. <Alt-Q>  8-2                                    6-23
  53.    Logoff After File Transfer             <F1-Discard>  6-20
  54.       7-6                                 <F1-Discard>.  6-21
  55.    Logoff After Transfer  3-11            <F10-Save>  6-16
  56. <Alt-R>                                   <F10-Send & Save>  6-20, 6-21
  57.    Refresh Indicators  3-10               <F10>
  58.    Refresh Markers  10-5                     Save  3-9
  61. TAPCIS                                                            Index    X-1
  63. <F10>,<S>,<+>  6-16                          Screen  7-4
  64. <F2-Add>  3-3                             <PgDn>  3-5, 8-2
  65. <F2-Search>  6-23                            Capture CompuServe Information 
  66. <F3-Help>  4-8, 6-14                            3-11
  67. <F7-Exit>  3-4, 4-8, 6-17                    Scroll Down Searched File 
  68. <F7-Send>  5-1, 6-20, 6-22                      6-24
  69. <F8-Edit>  3-4                            <PgUp>  8-2
  70. <forum>.ADV                                  Execute Script  3-11
  71.    Advanced Commands  4-3                    Top of Searched File  6-24
  72. <forum>.CAT  7-2                          <R>  6-26
  73.    Catalog  4-3                              Read Waiting  3-8
  74. <forum>.DOW                                  Reply  3-8
  75.    Download Script  4-3                   <R>ead  3-5
  76. <forum>.MRK                               <R>eply  3-4, 6-15
  77.    QSN script  4-3                        <S>
  78. <forum>.MSG                                  Save to forum.SAV file  3-9
  79.    Captured Messages  4-3                 <S>ave  6-6
  80. <forum>.QSN                               <Sh-F1>  6-17
  81.    Downloaded Headers  4-3                <Sh-F10-Retrieve>  6-16
  82. <forum>.SAV                               <Sh-F7-Print>.  6-17
  83.    Saved Message File  4-3                <Shift-F1-Shell>  10-4
  84. <forum>.SEC                               <Shift-F7-Print & Send>  6-21
  85.    <Alt-J>  4-3                           <Shift-F7-Send & Print>  6-21
  86.    Forum Section and Library              <T>  6-26
  87.       Names  4-3                             New Subject Sent to To: field 
  88. <forum>.SND  6-21                               3-8
  89.    Messages Awaiting Upload  4-3          <T>o Address  6-15
  90. <forum>.SO                                <Tab>  6-18
  91.    Sysop Commands  4-3                       Forward Message to Mail  3-9
  92. <I>                                       <U>  6-26
  93.    Interactive  3-10                         New Message Subject  3-8
  94. <I>nitialization  4-10                       Search the USERID.CIS  6-23
  95. <I>nitialize modem  A-1                      User Command  3-7
  96. <I>nteractive  3-5, 4-17, 7-7,            <U>se Address  6-15
  97.       8-1                                 <U>ser  4-15
  98. <K>                                       <V>
  99.    Kill a File  3-10                         Search the Save File  6-23
  100. <K>ill  4-14, 6-6, 6-13, 7-6                 View Saved Messages  3-9
  101. <L>  6-26                                 <W>
  102.    Library Search  3-7, 7-1                  Write a Message  3-7
  103. <L>ibrary  3-5                               Write New Message  3-9
  104. <L>og  7-5                                <W>rite  3-5, 5-1, 5-5, 6-17,
  105. <M>                                             6-19, 6-25
  106.    Mark Headers  3-9                      <X>  6-21
  107.    Search the Message File  6-23             Start a New Search  6-24
  108. <M>ark  3-5, 4-3, 6-4                     <X> Copy Option  9-2
  109. <N>                                       <Z>  6-26
  110.    Get New Messages and Headers              Import All Lines  6-24
  111.       3-7                                 1-800-USA-GROUP.  1-4
  112. <N>ew  3-4, 3-5, 5-3, 6-10, 9-2           90-day money-back guarantee  1-2
  113. <N>ext  6-5                               Abort  4-8
  114. <O>                                          Discard  6-20
  115.    Go Online  3-8                         Aborting downloads  10-4
  116. <O>nline  3-5, 5-2, 6-5, 6-21             Access Networks  4-11
  117. <P>                                       Accounting record   4-3
  118.    Parameters  3-6                        Active messages  6-7
  119. <P>arameters  4-9, 6-13, 9-1              Active section list  6-2
  122. X-2    Index                                                            TAPCIS
  124. Adding a forum  3-3                       Chit chat  6-9
  125. Address                                   CIS.SCR  4-2
  126.    Incorrect user ID  6-19                CISSTATS.COM (see <$>)  4-13
  127. Address book  2-5, 5-5, 6-17              CO mode  8-2
  128. Addresses  5-6                               /HANdle  8-3
  129. Addressing messages  5-1                     /HELP  8-3
  130. Advanced commands  6-19, 6-26             Color radar maps  10-4
  131. Alt-F10                                   Colors  4-14
  132.    Transpose Characters  3-12             COM: port  4-9
  133. Announcements  10-1                          Change  4-9
  134. Append  4-14                                 Select  4-9
  135. Appended  6-16                            Command
  136. ARC format  7-8                              Del  6-16
  137. Archiving                                 Command Conventions  1-1
  138.    File integrity  7-8                    Command line options (list)  4-6
  139. ASCII file retrieve  6-23                 Command Reference  3-6
  140. ASCII files  5-7                          Commands  3-6
  141. Association of Shareware                     CO  8-2
  142.       Professionals  1-3                     Script  9-3
  143. Asterisks  6-3                            Composing  3-11, 6-23
  144. ATDT  4-10, A-1                           CompuServe
  145. Attributes  6-20                             Defaults  4-19
  146. Auto reformatting  6-20                   CompuServe Default Parameters
  147. Auto-membership  6-1                         <Alt-P>  3-3
  148. Autopilot  2-4, 3-7, 6-5                  CompuServe Forums  D-1
  149. B Plus Protocol  7-4                      CompuServe Information Service  
  150. B+ protocol  2-2, 2-6                           2-1
  151. Backspace  3-12                           CompuServe Mail  2-3, 6-4
  152. Binary file  5-1, 5-8, 7-3                   90 day deletion  5-11
  153.    /binary  7-3                              Delivery delay  5-9
  154.    format  5-7                               FAX  5-9
  155. Binary file transfer  5-7                    File Transfer  5-7
  156. Block Commands  3-12                         Forwarding  6-18
  157. BROwse  7-4                                  Postal delivery  5-10
  158. Bulletin                                     Receiving ASCII Files  5-9
  159.    Short  6-13                            CompuServe parameters  4-1
  160. BYE  7-6                                  Conference  6-14, 8-2
  161. Cancel                                       CO  2-2
  162.    <esc>  6-23                            Congressgrams  5-11
  163.    Discard  6-22                          Connect charges  7-7
  164.    F1  4-8                                Connect time  5-2
  165.    Search  6-23                           Control characters  A-1
  166. Capture  4-17                             Convert  6-23
  167.    <PgDn>  8-2                            CRC  7-4
  168. Captured messages   4-3                   Creating directories  4-5
  169. Carrier  A-2                              Ctrl-Bksp
  170.    Remote  A-2                               Delete Word  3-12
  171. Catalog  4-3, 7-2                         Ctrl-End
  172.    Commands  7-3                             Delete From Cursor to End of
  173.    Create  7-1                                  Line  3-12
  174.    Data Library files  4-3                Ctrl-F1
  175.    Download marking  7-2                     Shell to DOS  3-6, 3-12
  176.    Mark  3-5                              Ctrl-F3
  177.    Search  3-5                               Reformat  3-12
  178.    Updating  7-2                          Ctrl-KB
  179. CHANGES.TAP  1-1, 4-2                        Mark Start of Block  3-12
  180. CheckFree  4-16                           Ctrl-KC
  183. TAPCIS                                                            Index    X-3
  185.    Copy Block  3-12                       Downloaded headers  4-3
  186. Ctrl-KH                                   Downloading  2-2, 7-1
  187.    Hide a Block  3-12                        Marking the file  7-6
  188. Ctrl-KK                                      Script  7-3
  189.    Mark End of Block  3-12                Downloads  6-4
  190. Ctrl-KV                                   DPC.SCR  4-2
  191.    Move Block  3-12                       Dynamics
  192. Ctrl-KY                                      Forum  6-6
  193.    Yank Block  3-12                       E>dit  5-5
  194. Ctrl-T                                    EasyPlex (CIS Mail)  4-2
  195.    Delete to End of Word and              Edit  6-22
  196.       Space  3-12                         Editing  6-19
  197. Ctrl-Y                                    Editing Commands  3-12
  198.    Delete Line  3-12                      Editing keys
  199. Cursor Movement  3-12                        Alt-F3  6-20
  200. Data Libraries  7-1, 7-2                  Editor  3-11, 6-15, 6-20
  201. Data library  2-2                         Editor Reference  3-11
  202. DataPac  4-2                              Editor screen  5-4
  203. Date  7-3                                 Elapsed time online  7-4
  204. Default option  6-21                      Electronic mail   5-1
  205. Default printer  6-17                     Email  6-21
  206. Default rates  9-1                        Emoticons  10-1
  207. Defaults  4-18                            ENS  5-11
  208. Delete  3-12                              Erases the current line
  209. Delete message  6-16                         ^Y  8-3
  210. Description  7-3                          Error
  211. Desqview  1-5                                LOGINE  4-17
  212. Dial                                      Error checking  8-2
  213.    Manually  A-2                          Error messages
  214. Directories                                  Disk full error  4-5
  215.    Creating  4-5                             Insufficient memory  4-5
  216. Directory                                    write error  4-5
  217.    Download  3-1                          Error-free
  218.    Storage  3-1                              Downloading  7-1
  219.    subdirectory  4-5                      Exclamation mark  6-5, 6-13
  220. Discard  6-20                             Executive News Service  5-11
  221. Discard message  6-21                     Exit  6-17
  222. Disk full                                    <F7-Exit>  4-15
  223.    Errors  4-5                               F7  4-8
  224. Distribution Files  4-2                      To a DOS program  6-17
  225. DL  2-2                                      To DOS  6-17
  226. DL action                                    To main menu  6-17
  227.    Down Triangle  7-2                     Extension .SCR
  228. DL Search command  7-1                       Scripts  8-2
  229. DOS box  1-5                              F1
  230. DOS Text format                              Cancel  3-6
  231.    File  6-23                             F3
  232. Double-headed up and down arrow              Help  3-6
  233.       6-21                                F7
  234. Down triangle  7-2                           Exit  3-6
  235. Download  6-5                             Fail report  4-10
  236.    Abort  10-4                            FAX  5-9
  237.    File path  4-13                        Features  2-5
  238.    Interrupted  7-6                          Communications  2-6
  239.    Log  7-5                                  Forum Support  2-5
  240.    Tips  7-6                                 Libraries  2-6
  241. Download catalog  7-2                        Message  2-5
  244. X-4    Index                                                            TAPCIS
  246.    Other  2-7                             Header marking  6-6
  247. FEEDBACK  5-10                            Headers  6-4
  248. File                                         Mark  6-6
  249.    Date  7-3                                 Marked  6-4
  250.    Formatted  6-23                           Quick Scan  6-13
  251.    Mark  7-3                              Help  4-8
  252.    Send  6-22                                F3  2-7
  253.    Size  7-3, 7-6                            New User  1-4
  254.    Transfer  7-5                          Help Files  4-1
  255. File transfer                             High message number  6-11
  256.    Log  7-5                               Import  6-23, 6-24
  257. Filename  7-3                             Inbox Processing  3-8
  258. Files  4-3, 7-1                           Indicator  6-5
  259.    Archive  7-8                              !  3-4
  260.    Listing  7-2                              ^  3-4
  261.    Mark  7-2                                 Forum status  6-5
  262.    Multiple  7-8                          INFONET.SCR  4-2
  263. FIND FORUMS  6-1                          Initial Parameters    4-16
  264. Formatted                                 Insert/overwrite  3-12
  265.    File  6-23                             Installation  3-1
  266. Formfeed  6-17                               Networks  1-5
  267. Forum  2-1                                Interactive  2-4, 7-1
  268.    .SND file editing  6-22                   Keyboard  8-2
  269.    Adding a new  3-3                      Interactive Commands  3-10
  270.    Joining  6-1                           Interactive Mode  3-5, 6-13, 8-1
  271.    Libraries  7-1                         IntroPak  1-1, 3-3, 4-12, 4-16
  272.    list  D-1                              Join  6-3
  273.    Max total messages  6-7                Joining a Forum  6-1
  274.    Scroll rate  6-7                       Keyword searches  2-6
  275.    Section selection  6-11                Keywords  7-1, 7-3, 7-8
  276.    Section updating  6-11                 L;<to>;<subject>  6-22
  277.    Status markers  10-4                   LATA  4-1, 9-3
  278. Forum number  6-22                        Libraries  3-5, 7-1
  279. Forum select screen  6-2                  Library  2-2
  280. Forums  4-8, 6-1                             Management System  2-6
  281.    <F10-Clear all>  6-2                   LIBs  7-1
  282.    <F9-Select all>  6-3                   Limit
  283.    Files for downloading  7-1                24 characters  6-20
  284.    M  2-5                                 Limitations  1-5
  285.    Q  2-5                                    File Libary Catalogs  1-5
  286.    R  2-5, 6-8                               Hardware  1-5
  287.    Select all  6-3                           Mail Messages  1-5
  288. Forwarding  6-18                          Line breaks  6-21
  289. FRONTEND.SCR  4-2                         Line Noise  10-3
  290. Function key  6-20                        Log Times  9-1
  291. Gateway  2-1, 3-4                         Login  6-3
  292. GIF  7-3                                  LOGINE  4-17
  293. GO BILLING  9-1                           LOGmm-yy.CIS
  294. GO DEFAULT  3-3, 4-18                        Accounting Record  4-3
  295. GO TAPCIS  1-4                            Logoff  6-5
  296. Guarantee  1-2                            Macros  9-7
  297. Hard drive installation  3-1                 Conference Mode  9-7
  298. Hardware Required  1-5                    MACROS.CIS
  299. Hayes compatible  A-1                        Macros  4-4
  300. HAYS  4-10                                Mail
  301. Header  5-3                                  File transfer  5-7
  302.    Fake  6-13                             Main menu  6-21, 8-1
  305. TAPCIS                                                            Index    X-5
  307.    screen  4-8                               Initialize  4-9
  308. Main Menu Commands  3-9                      Online report  4-10
  309. MANUAL.SCR  4-2                              Reset  A-1
  310. Manually                                     Reset command  4-10
  311.    Dial  A-2                              Modems  4-9
  312. Mark                                      Monitor
  313.    Headers  6-6                              Colors  4-14
  314. Marked Message Forums                     Multi-part reply  6-23
  315.    M Forum  6-10                          Multiple addresses   5-1, 5-6
  316. Marking  6-9                              Multiple parameter files  9-2
  317. Marking headers  6-6                      Multiple sessions  6-13
  318. Marking the file  7-6                     NAMES.BAT  4-2
  319. MCI Mail  5-10, 10-2                      Navigation  6-27
  320. Membership Directory  4-15                Network  4-12
  321. Menu  2-1, 6-20                           Network access
  322.    Parameters  4-9                           Cost/Performance  4-11
  323. Message                                   Network installation  1-5
  324.    /split  6-22                           Network surcharges  7-7
  325.    Abort  6-20                            Networks  4-11
  326.    Composing  3-11                        New mail  5-3
  327.    Edit  6-22                             Nodes  4-11
  328.    Edit before sending  6-22              Offline commands  7-1
  329.    Editing commands  3-12                 Online  6-26
  330.    Formatting  6-21                          Activity  6-21
  331.    Forwarding  6-18                          Script  6-26
  332.    Replying  5-4                          Online report  4-10
  333.    Reset  6-26                            ONLINE.LOG  4-2, 7-4
  334.    Saving  5-3                               Records Session  4-4
  335.    Thread  2-2                            Options  6-3
  336. Message #0  6-13                          OS/2  1-5
  337. Message editor  6-15                      Outbox Actions  3-7
  338. Message headers  6-4                      Overwrite  4-14
  339. Message Navigation  6-15                  Overwrite parameter  6-13
  340. Message size limit  6-22                  Owning Pages  3-3
  341. Message threads  4-3                      Packet Size
  342. Messages  2-2, 6-6                           Adjust  2-6
  343.    Append  4-14                           Packets  7-4
  344.    Discard  6-21                          Packing slip  1-2
  345.    Line breaks  6-21                      Page  2-1
  346.    Maximum length  6-22                   Parameter
  347.    New  6-26                                 Overwrite  6-13
  348.    Overwrite  4-14                        Parameter settings   4-17
  349.    Pending  6-13                          Parameters
  350.    Read  6-27                                CompuServe  3-3
  351.    Reading  3-4                              Menu  4-9
  352.    Splitting long ones  6-22                 Multiple  9-2
  353.    Subjects  6-20                            Recheck  4-16
  354.    Transmit  6-21                            Setting  4-9
  355.    Truncated  6-22                           TAPCIS  3-2
  356.    Unformatted  6-21                      Parameters menu   4-12
  357.    Writing  3-4, 6-19                     PARAMS  9-2
  358. Messages subjects  6-20                   PARAMS.CIS  1-2, 3-1, 4-1
  359. MNP  10-3                                 PARAMS.SCR  4-1
  360. Modem                                     Password  4-12, 4-16
  361.    Commands  A-1                             Permanent  3-3
  362.    Dial  A-1                                 Temporary  3-3
  363.    Fail report  4-10                      Path
  366. X-6    Index                                                            TAPCIS
  368.    Directory  6-23                        Return receipt  2-3
  369.    Drive  6-23                            Return Receipts   5-1
  370. Pause  9-4                                Running TAPCIS  4-6
  371. Pending messages  6-13                    Save this message  6-16
  372. Permanent settings  4-19                  Saved message file  4-3
  373. PHONES.SCR                                Saving messages  5-3
  374.    800-346-3247  4-2                      Scanned
  375. Postal delivery  5-10                        Catalog files  7-2
  376. Practice Forum  10-1                      Script
  377. Print                                        Downloading  7-3
  378.    Message  6-17                             Upload  9-5
  379. Print this message  6-17                  Script commands  9-3
  380. Private messages  2-3, 6-16               Script files  4-1
  381. Program File  4-1                         Scripts  8-2, 9-4
  382. Protocol transfer                         Scroll rate  6-7
  383.    Aborting  10-4                         Search
  384. Protocol transfers  7-1                      Address book  5-6
  385.    Logging  4-14                             Cancel  6-23
  386. Public sections  6-11                     Search Another File  6-23
  387. Pulse dialing  A-1                        Section  6-11
  388. Q-forum  6-20                             Section box  6-2
  389. Quick B Protocol  7-4                     Section list  6-11
  390. Quick Scan  6-2, 6-13                     Section selection  6-11
  391. QUICK SCAN NEW  6-6                       Sections  2-2, 6-9, 6-13
  392. R Forums  6-8                                Public  6-11
  393. Radar maps  10-4                             Turning off  6-9
  394. Rates  9-1                                Send  6-20
  395. RATES.CIS  4-1                               Options  5-1
  396. Read                                         Privately  6-21
  397.    Navigation  6-15                          Transmit to CompuServe  5-2
  398. Read by the recipient                     Send "text"  9-4
  399.    (X)  6-19                              Send menu  5-1
  400. READ.ME  4-2                              Send options  6-21
  401. Reading Messages  6-13                    Serial ports  4-9
  402. Reading mode                              Service Agreement   4-16
  403.    Marked messages  6-2                   Sessions
  404.    Quick scan   6-2                          Multiple  6-13
  405.    Read all threads  6-2                  Set Up
  406. README.TAP  4-2                              M Forum  6-10
  407. Reformat  6-20                            Setting Parameters  4-9
  408. Reformatting  6-21                        Setup
  409. Refunds  1-2                                 R Forum  6-8
  410. Registered  1-4                           Setup Commands  3-6
  411. Registering  1-3                          Sh-F1
  412. Registration  1-2                            Execute DOS Command  3-6
  413.    Recording  1-2                         Shareware  1-3
  414.    Temporary  1-2                         Shell to DOS  6-17
  415. Remote carrier  A-2                       Shell to program  6-17
  416. Replies  6-5, 6-6                         Shelling to DOS  2-7
  417. Reply                                     Short bulletin  6-13
  418.    Different forum  6-16                  Sign-on  4-16, 4-17
  419.    Multi-part  6-23                       Sign-on Procedure  4-17
  420.    New Subject/Section  6-15              Size
  421. Replying  5-4                                File  7-3
  422. Reset modem  4-10                         Skip forward/backward
  423. Retrieving  6-23                             Message  2-5
  424. Retrieving Text  6-23                        Thread  2-5
  427. TAPCIS                                                            Index    X-7
  429. Special Interest Groups  2-1              User ID  5-5
  430. Split-screen text editor  2-5             User ID's  6-6
  431. Splitting messages  6-22                  User identification number
  432. Sprintnet                                    PPN  4-12
  433.       4-1, 9-3                            User Name  5-6
  434. Standard time   9-1                       USERID.CIS  4-1, 5-5
  435. Starting TAPCIS  3-2                      UST  6-6
  436. STATS.EXE  4-1, 4-2                       Village Inn  6-9
  437. Status line   5-3, 6-14                   Wait for a four character
  438. Status markers  10-4                            sequence  9-4
  439. Storage directory  5-8                    Wait for a single character "x" 
  440. Storage disk path  4-13, 5-8                    9-4
  441. Subdirectory  6-23                        Wildcard  7-1
  442. Subtopics  2-2, 6-13                      Window  8-2
  443. Support  1-4                              Windows  1-5
  444. Support Group, Inc.  1-3                  WordPerfect  6-23
  445. Surcharge  5-1                            WordStar  2-5
  446. TAP.EXE  3-1                              WordStar Cursor Commands  3-12
  447. TAPCIS                                    Write
  448.    Executing  4-6                            Address book  5-5
  449. TAPCIS directory  4-3                        ASCII files  6-23
  450. TAPCIS Forum  1-4                            Retrieving DOS files  6-23
  451. TAPCIS Forum Registration  6-25              Transmit to CompuServe  6-21
  452. TAPCIS.HLP  4-1                              While reading  6-17
  453. TAPCIS.SCR  4-1                           Writing Messages  6-19
  454. TapRoom  6-9                              XFER.LOG  4-14, 7-5, 7-6
  455. Telephone numbers  4-11                      Log of File Transfer Activity 
  456. Telex  5-10                                     4-3
  457. Temporary Number  6-25
  458. Terminal Mode  3-5, 8-1, 8-3
  459. Thread  2-2, 6-5
  460. Threads  6-23
  461. TLA's  10-1
  462. To:  5-1
  463. Top box  6-26
  464. Top window  6-23
  465. Transfer log  7-5
  466. Transmit  5-2
  467. Travel Kit  10-5
  468. TRAVEL.KIT  10-5
  469. Triangle  7-4
  470. Truncated  6-22
  471. Tymnet  4-1, 4-11, 9-3
  472. Unformatted
  473.    Messages  6-21
  474. Unmark
  475.    Selection  6-5
  476. Upgrading  1-1, 3-2
  477. Upload
  478.    <PgUp>  8-2
  479.    ASCII file  8-2
  480.    Manually  3-5
  481. Upload script  9-5
  482. Uploading  2-2, 7-7
  483.    Tips  7-8
  484. Usage reports  4-3
  485. Usage statistics  9-1
  488. X-8    Index                                                            TAPCIS